reflections; part 2

Three years back, I was out with my then-boyfriend and some friends in the winter. The snow lining the ground was the kind that would form iceballs, not snowballs. And we decided to have an iceball fight, naturally. It wasn’t the first time.

What did happen for the first time, however, was the appearance of a plastic bag. Humble in size, and from the Superstore. We opened it. Kids, if you’re outside and you see a random grocery bag with stuff in it, don’t do this

But we weren’t the brightest of kids. Inside the bag, there were a bunch of potatoes, already frozen from being out so long. Well, iceball fight + bag of frozen potatoes… You don’t have to be a math genius like me to figure out the answer. Also, there was a carrot. A lone, single carrot in the bag of potatoes.

We threw the potatoes at one another until they broke into halves, then quarters, eighths…Zeno’s paradox doesn’t apply here, thankfully. The fight ended when all the potato pieces got too small to throw.

We escaped with bruises, but those were fun times.