
my first love was faceless;
i pressed your keys
so eagerly, to say hello and regretted tapping
every goodbye.
we discussed our favourites:
foods, and animals—it
ended just as simply.

and when i had my second love
i typed my profession
on your buttons
with shaky fingers,
scrutinizing every word
backspace, backspace,
backspace I love you enter
and when she said no i stayed with you
the whole night
and all the days thereafter

my hands became stronger,
and faster. i spent
many evenings with you.
studying, writing
essays on books written
by great white men.
i locked myself in:
growing to despise them,
those who spoke love
but who were so insidious
and inane. i used you for hate,
on your keys… lamenting, craving.

how blind i was!
yearning those who wouldn’t
lay a second glance on my
pathetic self. desiring what
i could not have… you!
were always here,
helping, comforting, listening.
yes, thank you, O keyboard,
my very best friend.