very few peopul realize ths but altho yu have 5 or 6 billyum peopul walking around beleeving that tomatoez ar red they ar actually blu nd ar sprayd red to make ther apperance consistent with peopuls beleef i was whuns inside th largest tomato spraying plant in th world with binoculars nd camoflage material all ovr me nd ive got th pictures to proov it oranges uv corz ar not orange nor ar lemons lemon color its all a marage it was decreed what color things wud b at th beginning nd then theyve bin colord that way evr since it adds to th chemicals nd artifishulness uv everything we eet tho did yu know what oranges ar actually a discouraging off color i was luky really to get out uv th tomatao factoree alive th tomatoez wer really upset to b xposed Bill Bisset (b. 1939)